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U.S. Vice President Joe Biden is on a four-day trip to Central and South America for meetings he said represent a “new day” for partnerships in the Americas.Biden made the remark in an opinion piece that was published by 11 newspapers in Latin America Friday, coinciding with Biden’s arrival in Chile for meetings with Latin American leaders.The leaders are gathering in Chile and Costa Rica to discuss common interests and challenges ahead of a Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago next month.Biden said nations are interconnected and have a duty to work together. He called for partnerships to help solve the global economic crisis, fight illegal drug and weapons smuggling, battle climate change and promote democracy.The Chilean conference, hosted by Chilean President Michelle Bachelet,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, includes leaders of progressive,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, or center-left, countries. Leaders from Britain,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Norway,NFL Jerseys China, Argentina,NBA Jerseys China, Brazil and Uruguay are also attending.Organizers of the progressive governance meeting hope to craft ideas that can be presented at the G-20 (industrialized and developing nations) summit in London next month.Biden then travels to Costa Rica for a meeting with Central American leaders. U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden said that Barack Obama’s government is taking an important step towards a “new day” in Washington’s relations with Latin America.In an op-ed piece published Friday in the Buenos Aires daily La Nacion,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Biden stressed the importance of the Progressive Governance conference that he is attending now in Chile and the meeting he will have in Costa Rica with Central American presidents as a lead-up to Obama’s appearance next month at the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago. “These meetings are a first and important step towards a new day in relations between the countries of the hemisphere,” the vice president said.Biden believes that the nationsl of the region share challenges that they can only deal with by “working together.” “The world economic crisis has affected almost everyone. Citizens of all countries are looking for answers,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, looking for hope, and for that they turn to their leaders. It is our duty, as partners, to listen to their plea and together forge the solution to a shared problem,” he said.Biden said that for the Americas it is important for the United States to reactivate its economy and make sure that international financial institutions “attend to the interests of the people.”“The economic solidity of the United States is beneficial for the entire hemisphere and can become the engine that promotes economic growth from the bottom up and equality throughout the region,” he said.The vice president also encouraged countries of the region to meet the common challenge of security against the nightmare of “street-gang violence and the illegal traffic of arms and drugs.”He acknowledged that his country must “do more” to reduce the demand for illegal drugs and stop the arms trade, applauded “Mexico’s brave stand” against drug cartels and the “efforts” of Colombia to combat drugs, but warned that these “will have the secondary effect of pushing traffickers towards Central America.”Biden also asked the region to concentrate “on forging and developing solid democracies” and acting jointly against climate change.
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