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10 danger signs risk of panic disorder

10 danger signs risk of panic disorder

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10 danger signs risk of panic disorder Check yourself to see if you are stressed, shocked, scared that you may be at risk of panic disorder without realizing it.

What is panic disorder?
Doctor Mee Fah from the Psychiatric Association of Thailand states that panic disorder is one of the most common psychiatric conditions affecting 2-5% of the population. Panic disorder

10 danger signs risk of panic disorder
Patients with panic disorder may develop multiple physical symptoms (at least four) at the same time, including:

heart palpitations
Your heart is beating very fast or very fast.
shortness of breath can't breathe)
feeling tight, tightness in the chest
Feeling dizzy, fluttering, as if fainting
nausea, upset stomach
Hands feel numb, tingling, or feel weak.
Feeling of stitching or hot flashes
If you have had a panic attack only once, such as when you first go into the sea when learning to dive when having to speak in front of a general meeting and did not have symptoms again Has no effect on life It is not considered a panic disorder.

Symptoms that indicate that you may be at risk for panic disorder It must be a recurring panic attack that is not caused by drugs, substances, diseases or other physical causes. because if it is from other reasons can be dangerous

The dangers of panic disorder
At first, symptoms appear unpredictable. But when symptoms occur Patients often feel unbearable. want to leave that point If you are driving, you have to stop. Some people want to get off the plane. causing concern that Symptoms appear and no one can help. or in a place where you cannot escape, such as being in a public transport and unable to get off or the car is stuck on the expressway

In some cases, especially if left untreated Patients may associate symptoms with locations where symptoms have occurred, such as escalators, elevators, and electric trains, and then predictive onset of symptoms. until affecting daily life because he did not dare to leave the house don't dare to travel Some people have depression or turn to alcohol or use drugs to relieve symptoms. Then another problem continued to arise.

Panic disorder can be unconscious.
With the presence of many such symptoms It happened suddenly causing patients to often fear that they will not be able to control themselves afraid to go crazy or afraid to die (mostly thought to be heart disease)

Symptoms usually peak in 10-15 minutes, then gradually subside and usually disappear in less than an hour. Some people are stressed in a stressful situation But some people have symptoms that come up on their own. This is due to a malfunctioning autonomic nervous system. Therefore, it is not uncommon if the patient does not feel that he or she is in a stressful or anxious state.

What should I do if I have panic attacks?
If the patient has symptoms for the first time You should hurry to the emergency room. This is because there are many conditions that can cause panic-like symptoms, such as arrhythmia, lung disease, thyroid disease, leading symptoms of epilepsy, etc.

It is necessary to check further before It is not a symptom of any disease.

In addition, some substances can trigger panic attacks, such as excessive caffeine, marijuana poisoning, and withdrawal symptoms from many drugs.

Methods for treating panic disorder

take medicine
There are both medications that can be taken for prevention and treatment, including:

drug group Take only when symptoms are present, such as benzodiazepines such as Alprazolam, Clorazepate, Diazepam, etc. After taking the drug will take effect gradually within 15-20 minutes.
antidepressant group that helps panic symptoms occur less frequently until gradually disappear, as well as help prevent recurrence The effect of using the drug will gradually be seen within 2 weeks.
Breathing exercises
When I first realized I had a panic attack. Breathing control techniques can be used to reduce panic attacks as follows:

sit down, stay calm
Breathe in and out slowly, deeply, like when meditating or doing yoga, exhaling longer than inhaling. to remove all carbon oxides first
Inhale count 1-2-3-4, exhale count 1-2-3-4-5-6.
due to symptoms The patient often breathes quickly. It's breathing shallow and frequent, which will only make you feel more uncomfortable. Many patients do not need emergency medication. This is because the symptoms are greatly reduced when breathing properly.
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