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Grandfather villain cursed Mr. Putin, finally had to let go.

Grandfather villain cursed Mr. Putin, finally had to let go.

Grandfather villain cursed Mr. Putin, finally had to let go.
After the Japanese police arrested theSLOTXOcriminal in a strange case. in connection with the successful curse ceremony of the Russian leader but eventually had to let go

when two weeks of Japan's police investigative team arrested Mitsunobu Hino, a 72-year-old man from Matsudo, Chiba Prefecture, on suspicion of vandalizing another person's property. After finding evidence from CCTV that Grandfather Hino placed the cursed doll on the grounds of several Shinto temples across the city. including to be nailed to the tree 'Holy' in the temple too

The act was a Japanese way of cursing life. by these cursed dolls There is a picture of the face of Russian President Vladimir Putin attached to the head of the doll along with his name, age and date of birth. which shows that the President of Russia is the goal of this curse.

Grandpa Hino did not deny the allegations. When the officers came to arrest him at home but it turns out after he was detained The authorities could not condone him. Because all allegations have been withdrawn first.

Grandfather Hino was released shortly after being arrested. There will be no prosecution or court action against Grandfather. Although he was actually the one who took the doll to drive nails into the tree and the altar because of Mikazuki Temple. which is the owner of the place and the owner of the clip from the CCTV that is used as evidence of the grandfather's wrongdoing decided not to file a complaint and withdraw the report

However, Grandfather Hino remains the suspect. The cursed dolls were installed in other temple sites in the city, so there was still a chance of being arrested and brought to court. If other temples decide to file a complaint against him.
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