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Putin reiterates Ukrainian war "According

Putin reiterates Ukrainian war "According

The Russian leader confirmed that military missions in Ukraine "It's according to plan," and said the western liberal monopolar power system. "It's going to end"

Foreign news agencies reported from MoscowSLOTXORussia on Oct. 28 that Russian President Vladimir Putin attended a seminar on foreign policy at the Valdai Club in Moscow on Thursday. that military operations in Ukraine “Still going according to plan,” and he has regrets. as well as sympathy for the Russian family who lost their children who joined the fighting in Ukraine

Putin went on to say that "Western adversaries" are facing a "The inevitable collapse of superpowers" and blame Western liberal world leaders unite to destroy "traditional world values" before turning back to the Ukrainian war accusing the Kiev and Western governments "Hand in hand playing dirty, dangerous and bloody games" until causing chaos around the world.

about the use of nuclear weapons The Russian leader said the Moscow government had "never threatened" the use of nuclear weapons. but only ready to respond to "extortion" from the West and emphasize that Ukraine is preparing to use radioactive bombs, or "dirty bombs," to escalate the severity of the war.

Russia and the United States currently own the world's 1st and 2nd largest nuclear warheads respectively. by the number of nuclear warheads that both countries have Together they account for more than 90% of all nuclear warheads on Earth. Therefore, it was analyzed that If the two countries cannot work together to uphold the guidelines of the bilateral treaty on reducing the number of nuclear weapons Called "New Start" or a new agreement can be replaced. This could intensify the arms race between the two superpowers.
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