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A Most Dedicated Employee

A Most Dedicated Employee

A Most Dedicated Employee,Work Boots For Men

Have you ever heard the expression “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes” It is easy to judge others when you haven’t been in their circumstances. We wonder why people make certain decisions. We assume things of others. We misinterpret because we don’t know their truth. When we put ourselves in someone else’s shoes, we can begin to understand them and the choices they’ve made.
This brings us to today’s discussion of most dedicated employee. There are hundreds,Steel Toe Shoes, thousands, even millions of dedicated employees. You know the ones who show up to work when they’re sick (even though they should keep their cooties home). The ones who come to work early and stay late. The ones who pick up the slack for others. The ones who go above and beyond on a regular basis. Most companies have at least one, if not more, dedicated employees but James Robertson is in a class all his own.
James Robertson of Detroit, is an unassuming, 56-year-old who wouldn’t garner much attention if you saw him walking down the street. You might think he’s walking for recreation or taking a quick jaunt to the store but he isn’t. No,Best Work Boots, James Robertson has spent the past several years walking to work. He is able to catch a bus but it only takes him partway which means James walks 21 miles round trip 5 days a week. James’ car broke down more than a decade ago, so began his odyssey. He walks in wind, snow, rain, cold and heat. He rarely misses a day of work.
It may be hard to imagine someone being that dedicated to a job that pays less than $11 an hour.James enjoys his job at Schain Mold & Engineering but more than that, he considers his co-workers family. He doesn’t complain about the effort required. In fact he has a “glass is half-full” mentality about his circumstances. He relies on faith and determination to see him through. However,Safety Shoes, the wear and tear on his body is taking its toll.
Recently, a GoFundMe page was started on his behalf with the hopes of raising enough money for James to buy a reliable car, something that is hard to save for on his hourly wage. The result of that page has been nothing short of incredible. At the present time, the money raised is over $350,000!
There are countless stories of people making tough decisions and sacrifices to put in an honest day’s work. OSHATOES,steel toe work boots celebrates them all. We appreciate how hard it can be and wanted to take a moment to recognize one of them. We hope you’ll join us in our admiration for James and all of the hard-working people in the world.

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To follow James’ GoFundMe page or to make a donation, go to
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