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Nanhai network Haikou August 10 news (South China Sea Network reporter intern Lin Xin Sha history language) in mid-November 2010, the South China Sea Network reporter depth Dongfang City, eight town and xinjiezhen,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/brandcouture/u-5171.html, is falsely accused of murder, and unjustly imprisoned 3 years of Village Jizong Jiang Oriental City Procuratorate to the case of a claim denied coverage. The case has made new progress,barbour paris, the Hainan Provincial People's Procuratorate confirmed through criminal compensation review, confirmed Eastern Municipal People's Procuratorate approved the arrest Jizong Jiang infringement,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/qualite21/90014.html, and accordingly Village state compensation was again rejected.
News Playback: 3 years detained acquitted a East Village Claims 550 000
June 15, 1997 in the evening, the old man xinjiezhen old village chief shot in Kyrgyzstan and daughter at home, the old Ji died a death. Three months later,canada goose femme, a guitar and therefore something Jizong Jiang was detained in the same village. September 25 the same year,air max 90, and therefore do Jizong Jiang was detained and arrested on December 30 the same year.
In 1999, the former Hainan Provincial People's Procuratorate of Hainan Branch of intentional homicide of a guitar, Ji Zongjiang indictment. Prosecutor accused said: Dongfang City xinjiezhen Ping Village villagers guitar because a village old man and a young woman xinjiezhen an improper sexual relations, was the old village committee director Kyrgyzstan opposition and interference, as this grudge. June 15, 1997 at 9 pm, a guitar carrying a long-barreled gun powder together Jizong Jiang sneaked into the old house wall of Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan towards the old head of a gun and fired a shot, the old and daughter on the spot in Kyrgyzstan bombs fell. In the old Ji rushed to hospital died on the way, his daughter out of danger after emergency treatment.
Hearing, a guitar and Ji Zongjiang have argued that he did not kill anyone. Original Hainan Intermediate People's Court that the case facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, prosecutor accused of a crime is not established. April 20, 2000, the hospital according to the law and judgment of a guitar Jizong Jiang acquitted. Jizong Qiang clearly remember, he was so far held 870 days old.
But the original Hainan Branch Hainan Provincial People's Procuratorate to lodge a protest this decision. December 21, 2000, the Provincial Higher People's Court of cassation, remand. April 29, 2001, Ji Zongjiang again thrown into the inner wall.
"Twice off,[url=http://vegalta7.s156.xrea.com/aska/aska.cgi/index.php?/newshttp://vegalta7.s156.xrea.com/aska/aska.cgi/index.php?/newsSorry..You[/url], I sat the 1110 days in prison." Prisons in the day, Ji Zongjiang unforgettable.
December 29, 2001, the former Hainan Intermediate People's Court ruling on the case again, a guitar and Jizong Jiang guilty verdict. The same day, Ji Zongjiang released immediately after being acquitted.
Event Progress: Hainan Provincial Procuratorate, the review confirmed that grassroots procuratorates infringement
This nightmarish prison make Jizong Jiang's family from the calm and humble become dilapidated mess. After the acquittal, in order to give their own justice, Jizong Jiang began a long state compensation claims.
June 16, 2003, he proposed to the East City Procuratorate state compensation, compensation claim Oriental City Procuratorate violation of personal liberty compensation 164,932.68 yuan, 50,000 yuan compensation for medical nursing care, lost income 824,663.4 yuan compensation for property (motorcycle) 3100 yuan, and organ liable for compensation to the applicant requested an apology, eliminating the effects of rehabilitation. But his answer was: the request is not recognized. After reconsideration,http://palevo.com/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=101266/index.php/index.php, the former Hainan Provincial People's Procuratorate of Hainan branch also made not recognized response. In desperation, April 18, 2004 he began to Hainan Provincial People's Procuratorate, the Supreme People's Procuratorate reflect the situation.
April 6, 2011, is Jizong Jiang tortuous life a memorable day. On this day, the Hainan Provincial People's Procuratorate made "Criminal Compensation Claim review decision," decided to withdraw two books Oriental City Procuratorate and former Hainan Provincial People's Procuratorate of Hainan Branch of the East City Procuratorate approved the arrest according to law of tort case Jizong Jiang confirm.
Provincial Procuratorate that the present case there is some evidence pointing to the old Ji Ji Zongjiang implemented a cause of death and his daughter's behavior with minor injuries, but the proof of evidence between Jizong Jiang to commit a crime, can not rule out the existence of contradictions and reasonable doubt. When approved the arrest, evidence Jizong Jiang to commit a crime has not been verified,air max 90, do not meet the standard of proof requirements. According to relevant provisions of the "People's Republic of China on State Compensation Law" and "People's Procuratorate Criminal Compensation work rule" before the correction, the East City Procuratorate and former Hainan Provincial People's Procuratorate of Hainan Branch of decision error, Eastern Municipal People's Procuratorate illegal infringement case established.
Results: apply for state compensation and "rejected" re-apply for reconsideration claims raised to more than 100 million
This took the "Criminal Compensation Claim Review decision,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/gion/vfh-25h2.html," May this year, once again Jizong Jiang Oriental City Procuratorate to apply for state compensation. However, two months of waiting, he got was a bad news. July 29 this year,http://www.center.nitech.ac.jp, the Oriental City Procuratorate to make a written decision that the criminal compensation,http://www.sokeizai.or.jp, because the public security investigation stage Jizong Jiang made a false confession under "People's Republic of China on State Compensation Law" Article 17 item belongs to the country Disclaimer situation. Jizong Jiang decided to request compensation for no compensation.
Get this decision,woolrich sito ufficiale, Ji Zongjiang like a blow. He thumbed through the "People's Republic of China on State Compensation Law," learned, specifically Article 17, paragraph 1 is: because citizens own false confession or falsification of other evidence of guilt or sentencing custody, the state is not liable .
In this regard, Jizong Jiang believes that the meaning behind this jurisprudence and an implicit State Compensation Law refers in the absence of torture, intentionally false confession, the state certainly no compensation. Indeed he began to make confession of guilt and later retracted, that was the reason was torture, "I'm not a fool, why do they need to make a false confession his guilt."
Currently, Ji Zongjiang ready to Hainan Provincial People's Procuratorate Second Branch for reconsideration. Including violations of personal freedom to ask for compensation, lost wages,http://hrr.ul.hirosaki-u.ac.jp, medical expenses and physical injury care, mental damages and other compensation, compensation also increased to more than 100 million and require organ liable for compensation in Hainan authoritative newspaper media apology, rehabilitated, eliminating the effects.
Progress of the case, the network will continue to focus on the South China Sea.
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