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Mexico urges rich countries to stop 'hoarding' COVID-19 vaccines

Mexico urges rich countries to stop 'hoarding' COVID-19 vaccines

Mexico urges rich countries to stop 'hoarding' COVID-19

Mexico on Wednesday (Feb 17) made a plea at the UN Security Council for countries
to stop hoarding vaccines against COVID-19 as poorer ones fall behind in the race
to vaccinate their citizens.

Three quarters of the first doses have been applied to citizens in only ten countries
that account for 60 per cent of global gross domestic product (GDP), Mexican
Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said, while in more than 100 countries no vaccines
have been applied at all.

"We urge countries to avoid hoarding vaccines and accelerate the first stages of
COVAX deliveries, to give priority to countries with fewer resources," Ebrard said
before the council, which Mexico is currently a member of.

Ebrard said that so far no vaccines have been distributed under the scheme.
Officials from the Pan American Health Organization said on Wednesday that
countries could expect confirmation of their COVAX vaccine shipments soon,
although the first batches were expected to be small.

In all, 190 countries including have joined COVAX, which aims to ensure equitable
access to vaccines. The scheme is jointly run by the GAVI alliance, the WHO,
the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and UNICEF.

"It is urgent to act, to reverse the injustice that is being committed because
the security of all humanity depends on it," Ebrard said.

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