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They are continuing to ramp things up, unveiling their largest map

They are continuing to ramp things up, unveiling their largest map

Battlestate has been on a roll in 2020 with common updates addressing gamers’ court cases, adding new capabilities and improving balance and performance in Escape From Tarkov Roubles  Tarkov.

They are continuing to ramp things up, unveiling their largest map yet during the PC Gaming display, which will take the combat for survival to a extra urban environment.

“It will be the biggest and most targeted area ever,” Nikita defined, “there might be a whole lot of explorable homes and underground [areas]. It’s an try to EFT Roubles  recreate the realistic modern-day town.”

A brief preview of the map, showing a participant entering an exquisitely unique constructing and then sorting out the view of the skyline, offers us a glimpse at what precisely Nikita is speaking about.
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